Contact Details

The Devonshire Hill Nursery & Primary School
Weir Hall Road
N17 8LB

Tel: 020 8808 2053

Key Contacts

Headteacher: Julie D’Abreu
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Rachel Bates
SENDCo: Rachel Bates
Enquiries: Sylvia Chambers


The role of governors is to ensure that the school is doing the best job possible for the community. School governors play a central role in deciding how the school is run, they set the ethos for the school and hold the senior leaders in the school to account.


The role of governors is to ensure that the school is doing the best job possible for the community. School governors play a central role in deciding how the school is run, they set the ethos for the school and hold the senior leaders in the school to account.

Governors set targets for what we expect pupils to achieve in their time at Welbourne and they then work with teachers to decide how best to achieve those targets. Governors are responsible for deciding how the school spends its money; for example spending on refurbishing buildings or buying in the services of family support workers. They also appoint senior staff and monitor performance.

Welbourne Primary School – List of Governors

NameType of Governor / ResponsibilitiesTerm fromTerm to
Penny HobmanParent governor – LANGCOMM Link and Vice Chair24.11.2023.11.24
Hannah WrightParent governor – SEND Link26.09.2225.09.26
Nick OshikanluParent governor – Safeguarding Link10.05.2109.05.25
Donald SelmaniCo-opted governor 01.07.2424.11.23
Henry HolmsCo-opted governor16.01.2215.01.26
Olamide IyiolaCo-opted governor16.01.2215.01.26
Sarah Ranchev-HaleCo-opted governor – Chair22.11.2130.06.28
Rehana AliStaff governor21.11.2220.11.26
Rhys MoffatLA governor – Finance Committee22.11.2121.11.25
Victoria KirkbyCo-opted governor – STEM Link26.09.2225.09.26
Nonia JerohCo-opted governor20.11.2319.11.27
Robert LaneHeadteacher (ex officio)N/AN/A
Andrew DowellCo-opted governor – Chair01.07.2430.06.28

Governing Body Register of Interests for School Governors

The governing body and school staff have a responsibility to avoid any conflict between business and personal interests and the interests of the school. To help put this duty into practice and to meet legal requirements, all maintained schools maintain a register of interests. The register will ensure that governors’ and Associate Members personal interests do not unfairly prejudice, influence or conflict with school’s decision making processes.

NameGovernor/Associate MemberBusiness interests declaredGovernorships elsewhere declaredRelationships with members of staff and their relatives declaredDate form completed
PAULINE HERBERTCO-OPTED GOVERNORNoneNoneNone16/01/2024 (Now retired)
HENRY HOLMSCO-OPTED GOVERNORThe PSC Management CompanyNoneNone06/06/2023
PENNY HOBMANPARENT GOVERNORNoneNoneYes- Partner of Children’s Centre Manager6/10/2022
(Now retired)
(Now retired)
(Now retired)

Governing Board attendance tracker year 2023- 24

Term 1Term 2Term 3
25 Sep 2323 Nov 2315 Jan 2406 Mar 2413 May 2401 July 24
Rhys MoffatNYYYYY
Robert LaneYYYYYY
Rehana AliNNXNXY
Penny HobmanYYYYYN
Hannah WrightYYYYYY
Nick OshikanluNYYNYY
Pauline HerbertNYYNYN
Andrew DowellN/AN/AN/AYYY
George WarrenYNXNNY
Donald SelmaniN/AN/AN/AYYY
Nonia JerohYYYYNY
Sarah Ranchev-HaleNXYYYY
Victoria KirkbyNYYYYY
Alice GriersonYNYYYY
Olamide IyiolaN/AYNNNY
Henry HolmsYYYNYY
Sophia Ropek HewsonNNYXNN
Clare Ejiogu (DHT)YNYYYY
Jane Stone (DHT)YYNYYY

Key – Y = Attendance, N = Approved Absence, X= Un-approved Absence m, – = Retired

Please click here to view the minutes of Full Governing Body meetings

Financial Information

Statutory financial information that the school is required to publish.

From 1st January 2021, the Department for Education requires that all schools publish information on employees who earn in excess of £100,000 per annum.

On this page you will find these details of our staff along with a link to the DfE Financial Benchmarking website for the school.

Staff Salary Information

Number of staff who earn in excess of £100,0000
Number of staff who earn in excess of £110,0000
Number of staff who earn in excess of £120,0000
Number of staff who earn in excess of £130,0000
Number of staff who earn in excess of £140,0000

Financial Benchmarking Information

Here you can find information about the schools income and expenditure. You can use the link below to compare our school with other schools with similar characteristics throughout the UK.

Interested in becoming a parent governor?

What skills do you need? The only thing that’s essential is that you have a child at the school.

Whatever skills and experience you have will be helpful, but the most useful thing you can bring is the perspective of a Welbourne parent. In fact, in your role as a governor you will be given training, opportunities and support to develop new skills.

We need governors from all kinds of backgrounds because we want our governing body to reflect the diversity of our community and children.

If you’re not a parent but feel you have something to offer the schools and are interested in becoming a co-opted or associate governor please contact the school who will put you in touch with the Chair of Governors.