Contact Details

The Devonshire Hill Nursery & Primary School
Weir Hall Road
N17 8LB

Tel: 020 8808 2053

Key Contacts

Headteacher: Julie D’Abreu
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Rachel Bates
SENDCo: Rachel Bates
Enquiries: Sylvia Chambers


Learning a language not only enhances our communication abilities but also promotes our cognitive development, cultural awareness, and opens doors to future educational opportunities.

At Welbourne Primary School, our aim is to introduce children to new languages, deepen their linguistic understanding, and instil a lifelong passion for language learning. We have a different ‘Language of the Month’ which we celebrate in assemblies, supporting us to learn more about the languages used in our community.

In Key Stage 2, our pupils engage in immersive French lessons, fostering confidence in speaking, reading, writing, and listening. The goal is to nurture a genuine interest and positive curiosity towards foreign languages, making the learning experience enjoyable and stimulating. Learning a second language offers pupils the chance to explore the link between language and identity, fostering a deeper understanding of various cultures and the world. This, in turn, enhances awareness of self, others, and cultural distinctions, guiding them towards becoming lifelong language learners.

At Welbourne, we have a high-quality foreign language curriculum using the Language Angels scheme of work and resources. It progressively develops pupil skills in foreign languages through regularly taught and well-planned lessons in KS2. The curriculum progressively develops language skills using age-appropriate phonics and grammar rules. From basic units in Year 3 to challenging units in Year 6, the scheme integrates interesting lessons, allowing children to apply vocabulary and grammatical knowledge to age-appropriate topics. Children gradually develop the ability to listen and read longer texts in the foreign language, enhancing skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

The effective curriculum at Welbourne Primary School results in children developing a genuine interest and positive curiosity about foreign languages. Equipped with a growing vocabulary and grammatical knowledge, pupils can pursue language studies beyond KS2. Continuous building on previous knowledge is emphasised, with language being recycled, revised, recalled, and consolidated. Pupils are self-aware, regularly reviewing and articulating their progress towards their learning goals.