We believe that this is possible with the right training and practice, competition and motivation to develop our children’s long term physical ability. All pupils are given opportunity to realise their potential within a sport or other physical activity.
Our PE curriculum helps pupils to learn about themselves, the importance of a healthy lifestyle, self-expression and concepts such as fair play, competition and respect. It also contributes to the development of a range of important cognitive skills such as decision making and analysis as well as social skills such as teamwork and communication.
Our school is working consistently to raise standards and achievement in sport across the school, by improving the quality of teaching and assessment in this subject through staff professional development. Children receive two hours of PE lessons a week, from specialist coaches, as well as their class teacher to ensure the breadth of the curriculum is covered. In KS2, children’s physical education is supported by weekly swimming lessons.

We are keen to allow children an opportunity to express themselves creatively through PE. All children receive at least two modules of dance a year. Children are taught to use a range of stimuli such as music and sequence to build a final performance. At Welbourne we also believe a solid foundation in gymnastics is essential to ensuring children are able to sit, stand and balance correctly.
Children are encouraged throughout the school day to increase the amount of physical activity they participate in. This includes lunch and playtime games as well as before and after school clubs. In addition to this, we are committed to promoting healthy and active lifestyle choices across the school and in partnership with our school meals provider. Children receive workshops and advice from external organisations to help them make better choices for the rest of their lives.
Download our PE Sport Grant Report to see how we’ve allocated funds and the impact we will achieve with the money.